A quirky collection of short stories written between 1999 and 2009. Meet a research assistant with a glass eye and a fellow with two left feet, a group of corporate lawyers stranded in the Canadian wilderness, a math teacher challenged to a glacial duel, a postal worker with a wicked golf swing, a man who comes home to find he has three roommates (!) who don’t speak English, a woman who designs fireworks displays and other everyday folk.
Month: January 2016
Chickens, chickens, chickens
People love chickens. Sometimes they don’t like roosters who crow too early. But there seems to be an innate love of chickens in everyone I meet. And it’s not just culinary. Chicks in particular seem to draw attention. Fun fact: there are more chickens than human beings on planet earth just now. How do you like dem chickens?
For more artwork, visit my Pinterest Page.
Other Paintings
Naturally enough I’m not limited to rivers, barns and chickens. Here’s a Green Heron perched on a flood control dam in Black Point wildlife refuge in Florida; After Darwin, a still life (sold in a charity auction), Spring Thaw (sold in a charity auction) and Young Yellow Crowned Night Heron.
Here’s my only attempt at a seascape Atlantic Rising., 24 x 36″, oil on canvas, 2013
Usin’ the Juice
My tenth book – this one a collection of speeches and sermons delivered across the U.S. between 2010 and 2015. When I ran for Asheville City Council in 2009 a group of political opponents decided to tar me with accusations of atheism. No stranger has ever done me a bigger favor. With a little help from Rachel Maddow who aired a story about their efforts to prevent me from taking office I garnered my 15 minutes of fame and launched a modest career as a speaker for humanist, secular and atheist groups. The attack did wonders for my book sales as well.
Thanks folks! I needed that!