A very brave cat

Young Brave Ulysses circa 1978

In 2000 I decided to start publishing books and decided to call my company Brave Ulysses Books. Brave Ulysses was my very best cat ever, the runt of a 9 kitten litter, and so-named to give him courage. In December 2024 I published my 18th title and along the way have published those of 4… Continue reading A very brave cat

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That’s Life! (as we know it)


Getting down to the nitty of the gritty here, with 20 General Rules for living! And earthworms! And alien mattresses! And the ever present question “Where do ideas come from?”

Categorized as Books

Lucky Breaks (breaking good)

The sixth collection in my storied story adventure. This time around a focus on how bad things are good from time to time. Hence we have bad things happening to good people but not in a bad way.

13, really? My 13th book? Waist Not Want Knot

Let’s get the nitty gritty out of the way at the outset. This story is not about waists or knots. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a heathen and a cheat.
If you bought this book under the impression that it would contain pop-diet information, something about how to lose ten pounds in ten days, or help in acquiring the Boy Scout Pioneering Merit Badge, perhaps a diagrammatic exposition of the Bowline or the Trucker’s Knot, you are going to be severely disappointed. Though, truth be told, if you haven’t mastered the Trucker’s Knot by now you are a sad, sad case and have likely lost numerous valuable items from your roof rack or pickup bed.
If you have not yet lost numerous valuable items from your roof rack or pickup bed, trust me, it is only a matter of time.
More than a few of you likely saw the word “waist” in the title and immediately pictured an attractive young woman being sawn in half by a stage magician. We might as well nip that one in bud as well. No magic here.1
On the other hand, if you stumbled in here with an open mind and low expectations you might be pleasantly surprised.

More Moo

Cecil is at it again with another collection of short stories. This time with more than 100 footnotes to titillate and delight! The perfect gift for readers in a hurry with one story contained within a brief paragraph!Within these pages you’ll meet an electrician/goatherd with a “steer”ing problem, an inflated whistle blower, the woman left… Continue reading More Moo

Fifty Wheys to Love Your Liver

Cover pic

Cecil Bothwell delivers another improbable batch of short fiction. Deadly serious or wildly funny they cascade from his faulty noggin like lava into a community swimming pool. Relationships run afoul of disparate musical taste: Paul Simon or Bob Dylan? Angie has lists, lots of them. Almost no one in a work share co-op is satisfied… Continue reading Fifty Wheys to Love Your Liver

Categorized as Books